Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What's Better - One Long Vid or Several Short Vids?

The answer has become completely obvious now that I've done it both ways and watched the students interact with the instruction.  Several short vids are the way to go, it's not even a contest.

Aside from the fact that long videos can crash the browser here at school, the shorter vids (1-3 min.) just get the job done better.

My plan of having them take a longer video and "watch, pause, do" hasn't been the best way to go (I even zapped my original video on "How To Use Video Tutorials").  They don't always remember to pause the video and go do the task.  Sometimes they just keep watching, which is bad when it comes time to do something...they forget what they just watched if they take in too much instruction.

Also, even though you can chunk a longer vid into sections with the menu - something I still do even with the shorter vids - they don't always know where to pause the video and start doing something.  In the past I've even put in sections that say "now pause the video and do it" - sometimes they get it but not always.

Anyway, shorter is better, and they can still pause anytime, use the menu, rewatch a section, etc.  I've even dropped using transistions between clips and title slides in an effort to shorten things up.

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