Saturday, January 17, 2009

Arrrgh!!! Discovered a Glitch in Producing!

Wow, this was a major frustration today and yesterday.  I made a video with the same settings as normal, but when produced the video had no table of contents, and the arrangement of the video to the controls underneath was goofy.  I went round and round trying to figure out what changed since the last successful video done earlier in the dice.  I called tech support and chatted a bit to no avail, looked in the help section of the techsmith website, still couldn't figure it out.

Finally I found an article in the help section that mentioned a blank screen problem when producing a flash video (the kind that I do - express show flash with table of contents).  I noticed something in there about staying away from non alphanumeric characters in the file names.  Well, my file names were all letters with occasionally a number, so that wasn't it...HOWEVER I just noticed that the title of the video (the part that appears over the table of contents) was:

Magazines & Journals

Bingo - I found the one different thing compared to all the other successful vids I produced - the use of a non alphanumeric character!

I changed it to "Magazines and Journals" and all was fine!  Whew, glad that's over with!

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