Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Advantages to Teaching Via Video

Having spent the day yesterday starting the "8O" team 8th grade students on the Science/English research project, I have some thoughts on more advantages to teaching this way.  They were learning to use BadgerLink for the first time - Student Research Center and ProQuest.

I had a nice relaxed day working with over 120 students in the lab because all my teaching was already "done" for the most part.  I gave a short intro in the classroom on the LCD projector and off to the lab they went, watching 3 short video clips and then searching for articles on their topic.

I thought of some more advantages to teaching this way:

1.  My instruction was consistant every class period - I'm sure as a teacher you know that how you present something varies a bit from hour to hour.  If you're not careful, you may miss saying something to one hour vs. another hour.  With the videos, I'm 100% sure that every class and every student gets the same instruction.

2.  My voice feels great at the end of the day!  Repeating directions for "how-to" type instructions for each class can wear you out - so much talking to do sometimes.  Instead, I was able to do "one on one" help as needed in the labs...though there wasn't much of that to do...saving my voice.

3.  Sometimes your computer lab isn't set up the best for teaching and learning via the LCD projector.  In one of our labs, the screen is a bit far away from the students, and it's hard for all of them to see the screen easily.  The videos bring the instruction right to their monitor up close.

4.  Students with headphones on - listening and watching the videos - tend to mess around less often as they have something to focus on.

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