Monday, January 19, 2009

EasyBib - Bibliography Making Tool

Made a suite of vids about EasyBib to finish off the 8th grade research project.  Here's a copy/paste from the page:

Make a Bibliography with EasyBib
  • EasyBib - an online tool to make bibliographies
Here's some video tutorials on how to use EasyBib:
  • EasyBib:
EasyBib Introduction (2:11) - Find the site, register your account, logging in, etc.

EasyBib Magazines and Journals (5:02) - Examples of how to create citations for Magazine and Journal articles

EasyBib Newspaper (3:44) - Example of how to create a citation for a newspaper article

EasyBib Website (3:32) - Example of how to create a citation for a website using Autocite

EasyBib Create Your Bibliography (1:28) - Create a Word document of your bibliography using EasyBib

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